I’m a little embarrassed to say that we didn’t do much today. Not very much at all.
Hardly anything, to be completely honest.
I mentioned that we were looking forward to going to church today, to the Darwin Baptist Church (DBC).
It’s funny that now we are about to leave Darwin, it is all starting to make more sense. I could have made it to church this morning without Jolene’s help, but I asked her to show the way anyway. No point in getting lost.
It was a 10.00am service, so we didn’t exactly need to get up at the crack of dawn to get going. Sleep in, ablutions, breakfast, and we were off.
It was a nice service. They have a different set of songs on rotation to what I’m used to, so it was a little bit hard to join in the worship. And they are very casual. If you were wearing thongs, you were well dressed.
Shoes? Formal attire. But then we are in Darwin and it is very hot.
And I imagine that in the wet season with monsoon rains, going barefoot probably makes sense so that your shoes don’t get wet.
The message was based on Genesis chapters 1-3 … all about creation. Which is funny in itself, because yesterday, you may recall, we were at the Darwin Museum and looking at exhibits about how the universe commenced with the Big Bang.
So the message was on Genesis and creation, and how on the 7th day, God rested.
Which is also a bit funny, because we also had a rest day today. The difference between God creating the heavens and the earth and resting on day 7, versus MBW and myself resting today, is that we actually haven’t done much for the last 6 days. We certainly haven’t created anything (other than a credit card debt, but I don’t think that counts …)
Nothing to do, and all day to do it.
Church over, and we shot off immediately afterwards. We were near Casuarina where there is a large shopping centre, and we needed to get some groceries and some fuel for Elsie. The tank was very empty and we are leaving for Kakadu in the morning.
We were also looking for a KMart specifically because we wanted to get a wooden cutting board to put over Percy’s sink to increase our bench space.
While we found a KMart, we were unsuccessful in finding the board that we wanted.
Over to Coles to get some groceries and ensure that the fridge is stocked. While we haven’t been to Kakadu yet, my very realistic expectations are that Kakadu will not have the options for groceries (or fuel, or anything else …) that we have here in Darwin, so we made the most of the opportunity.
Groceries, then about $200 of fuel into Elsie’s tank, and we were back at the RRR and Percy by 1.00pm for a late lunch.
And I’m ashamed to say, that is about it for the day.
MBW did a couple of loads of washing for the same reason as we got groceries … we are not sure what facilities will be available at Kakadu, or how horrendously overpriced they will be.
As Jack Reacher says, “Eat (or sleep) when you can.” In our case, wash when you can.
Washing, a nap, and I needed to do some minor maintenance to the sink that still appeared to be leaving. You will need to go back several days to get the scoop on why the sink was leaking.
MBW made some pizza for dinner and I set up the radio and the vertical antenna and had a bit of a fiddle to try to get the antenna working better.
And – as usual – by the time I’d achieved that and it was cool enough to enjoy being outside, the mozzies made it very unpleasant to be outside.
So I packed it all up (satisfied that the antenna was working better than it had been), and came back inside to have coffee, watch MasterChef (MBW), and do the blog (moi).
I’ sure that tomorrow will have better news. At the very least, we will be in Kakadu and so there should be something to report.
At least we had another spectacular sunset.