I’m pretty sure that I have mentioned – at least once – that it is hot here in Darwin. As I type this, it is 8.00pm and my watch tells me that it is 28 degrees that feels like 32 degrees.
So I’m sure it won’t surprise you that Percy’s air-conditioner is running most of the time, and certainly all night.
Interestingly, they don’t talk about “summer” or “winter” here. They talk about the “wet season” and the “dry season”.
If you have been following along, you will recall that we went and had fish and chips at the beach last night and watched the sunset.
When we got back to Percy it was hot and sticky, so the air-conditioner went on. It was turned to “arctic” and “gale force” to try and get some coolness into the van.
Anyhow, while I had the presence of mind to change the fan speed to low before bed, I did forget to change the temperature, so I woke in the middle of the night feeling cold. I had to poke around in the dark to find the remote control and set the temperature to a much more appropriate 22 degrees.
I would have been concerned if Kylie (the lady who runs Robbie Robbins Reserve) had found our lifeless, frost-bitten bodies in the van, all because I forgot to change the temperature. Particularly when it is so hot and sticky outside.
Partly because I was still feeling a little cold from the air-conditioner, and partly because it was very overcast and blowy this morning, it just felt like we were in for a miserable day.
I went over to the facilities for my ablutions and found that I had arrived at rush hour. I’ve never yet experienced rush hour in a caravan park amenities block, but it had to happen eventually.
And when I say “rush hour”, it’s not like there was a queue out the door; it was just that 2 of the 6 showers were already in use. So far, I don’t think I’ve ever seen another living soul in there.
Fortunately my favourite shower stall was still free (… yes, I do have a favourite shower stall …) and so I set about making myself beautiful.
Thursday is washing and cleaning day for us, so after breakfast (MBW made waffles!) and ablutions we did a bit of a divide and conquer and got the sheets and towels in the wash, and gave Percy a bit of clean inside.
We had a phone meeting with our financial advisor this morning to discuss finances and stuff, so that was the only real thing in the calendar today. That took until about 11.00am, and then we were free to go exploring Darwin again.
I’m pleased to report that by the time we had finished the phone call, the clouds had gone and we had another stunning, blue sky, Territory day.
MBW was keen to look at a place called Songlines that (we discovered) sells a lot of outrageously overpriced souvenirs. We were the only people in the shop, and within 2 minutes figured out that even the cheapest thing in the shop was way more than we were willing to pay for a souvenir of Darwin.
We then found the city and had a quick wander around, before deciding to go and get some groceries and head home for lunch and an afternoon rest.
I mean, we’d had such a busy and stressful morning …
We have been told that we must go to the Mindil Beach Night Markets that are held every Thursday night. They have food stalls and craft stalls and it is very well attended by both locals and visitors.
We bought some dinner to share, and some gifts for the grandkids, and saw yet another stunning sunset.
Way more people there than I’m comfortable with, I have to say. But we had fun looking around.
Back to Percy for coffee and to plan what our Friday looks like.
We are thinking that we might go for a drive to Berry Springs NP to get the most out of our “all parks pass” that we bought. It’s only a few kilometres down the road.
There is swimming there and because it is Friday, hopefully all of the locals will be at work so it will be quiet. Or at least, quieter than it would be on a weekend.
I also have a colleague from the radio club who recently relocated to Darwin, so I’ve called him and made a loose arrangement to go and visit him tomorrow afternoon. As luck would have it, he only lives about 10 minutes away from here. I’m sure that Jolene and I can find our way there without getting too lost.
I must confess that – now that I have re-read today’s blog – I am feeling a little embarrassed at the lack of depth, quality content, and/or exciting news that I have to report on our day today. If you looked up the word “boring” in the dictionary you would probably find a photo of MBW and I hanging out the washing in Darwin.
One fun fact that I can share, is that when we arrived here at RRR, Kylie – you remember Kylie? – gave us list of do’s and don’t’s. You can wash your car and van. You can walk on the polo field (it’s an equestrian park, remember, and they have a polo field here). You can’t drive on the polo field.
You can’t dump your toilet canister in the septic system (or face a $2000 fine).
Don’t drive more than 10km/h. Don’t call me before 9.00am.
And so on.
Buy we have also noticed that our neighbours – no, not Ma and Pa Kettle, but the neighbouring property – is shown on Google Maps as “Mission Australia”. Google describes it as a “residential rehabilitation treatment centre”, yet the razor wire and warning signs around the perimeter suggest to me that “correctional facility” might be a better description of the place.
Maybe Kylie should have included “don’t pick up hitchhikers” in her list of rules …?
BTW, we are camped at the red X at the top left-hand corner of the photo above.
A bit close for comfort, me thinks …
Is there a reason why tents and campervans are not permitted?
I have absolutely no idea … sorry