It’s not in the way that you hold me, it’s not in the way you say you care

There are probably lots of things that seem confusing about this blog. If you just happened to stumble across this page, then you have every right to feel confused … and I can’t say that I blame you.

If you are here because you followed a link, then that still probably doesn’t make it any less confusing.

Why keep a blog of our travels? And what’s with the title of the post?

Let me give you some context …

We like to keep a blog because it allows us to keep a record of our travels – what we see and do. It also allows us to share our trip with friends and family and provide a way for them to tag along with us.

One side benefit is that it allows family and friends to know that we are OK. If you don’t see a post one day when you are expecting it, you can assume that something truly horrible has happened … like we couldn’t find free WiFi!

Another side benefit is that we don’t have to post every thought that pops into our heads onto the Facebook 🙂

So what about the title of the post? What’s that all about?

Last year – September 2018 – we (that’s MBW and I) did a trip around the United States including a week in New York, a week in San Francisco, and almost two weeks cruising up into Alaska (… and back, obviously). We kept a blog of that trip also and decided to mix it up a little by making the title of each post the first line/s of a song.

Now, in the interests of full disclosure, the relationship between the song and the subject of the post will range somewhere between glaringly obvious to tenuous. In some cases, obscure might be a better description …

I like to think that “He who has the gold makes the rules“ … so I’m not even going to try to explain or justify it.

This year – 2019 – we are back to the United States doing a three week drive from Dallas/Fort Worth TX in a big looping anti-clockwise circle down and around through Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Arkansas, and back to Texas before flying to NYC for a week in the lead-up to Christmas, then back home for Christmas with the boys.

So here we are … just a few days before we leave and we are getting pretty excited. We’re pretty excited to have you tag along with us as well 🙂

Seriously, this is the next best thing to packing you all up into our suitcase and taking you with us!

I think that the biggest challenge that we are going to face is variation in weather. Brisbane is currently hot, hot, hot with out-of-control bushfires. Places that we will be visiting (Memphis, Nashville for example) had temperatures in the negative double digits (eg -10 deg C) last week, and in the mid-20s this week … so you could see us dressed in anything from a snow suit to shorts and tee-shirts.

In the interests of continuous improvement, there have been a few minor changes this year.

The first change is that we have registered a new domain name for our blog:

The second change is that for this year’s blog I am including a link to the song that provided the inspiration for the title of each post. Given that I am a child of the 70’s and 80’s, it may help you to understand the choice of songs … so you should set your expectations to be seeing plenty of flared trousers, body shirts, and bad haircuts. And some pretty pathetic music video productions too …

Considering that we going to be spending three weeks in the Deep South, there is also every chance that some inspiration may be gained from other types of music – so look out for cowboy shirts and boots with spurs. Who knows, but it will be fun 🙂

So there you have it. Just a few more days; I’ve got absolutely nothing to say but I have a KPI that says I have to write a post every day … so hang in there and there will be some quality content coming up very soon. Normal service will be restored as soon as possible!

Today’s featured song is Hold the Line (Toto). Enjoy …

So just to close this post out, did you make the connection between the song and the post? The significance is tha … nah, you can figure it out for yourself!



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